SAFELINK is a phone line that has access to all shelters in the state of MA. If you need emergency housing, they offer several locations that offer a temporary place. If you are a victim of domestic violence, they offer specific places for victims.
To speak with someone, call the SAFELINK 877-785-2020 and press number 3 for Portuguese.
Safelink has information on every shelter in the state of MA that has any bedding available.
Process: Once you call Safelink and talk to someone. They will connect you to whatever shelter is available. Each shelter has a similar process, they will do an intake which is some personal questions, and then they can tell you if you can go now, or they can say that they will evaluate the applications they received and that they will contact you.
If you are a victim of domestic violence it is important to let the operator know. Victims of domestic violence are treated more urgently to find a safe place. In every shelter there will be case workers who will help you with the next step of finding somewhere to live and other assistance you may need.
If you don't have a way to get there, let the person who is assisting you know. There are several programs that offer Uber cards to get you to the shelter.